Razvoj družbe so v zadnjih letih zaznamovale številne družbene spremembe, ki (so) ob nezadržni digitalizaciji pri starejših odraslih vplivajo(le) na njihovo življenje in vnašajo negotovost. V življenju starejših odraslih pa v obdobju epidemije COVID-19 še posebej. Hkrati s spremembami, ki so v postmoderni slovenski družbi postala stalnica, se odpirajo številna in kompleksna vprašanja o življenju starejših odraslih na eni, organiziranosti družbe na drugi in digitalni pismenosti ter usposobljenosti starejših odraslih, še posebej pa države, v prihodnosti. Starejši odrasli so, bolj kot kadarkoli prej v svojih življenjih, izpostavljeni številnim izzivom, problemom, stereotipom in različnim oblikam gerontofobnega obnašanja. Če so se starejši odrasli v preteklosti brez večjega tveganja prilagajali družbenim spremembam in novonastalim okoliščinam, ki so usmerjala njihova življenja, pa je zatečenih družbenih razmerah drugače. Navedeno še posebej velja za obdobje epidemije COVID-19, ki je v slovenski družbi starejše odrasle še posebej prizadela in jih, na imanenten način »prisilila« v usposabljanje za digitalno pismenost.
The development of society has been marked in recent years by a number of social changes which, in the interest of digitization of older adults, affect their lives and brought uncertainty in the lives of older adults, particular during the COVID-19 epidemic. At the same time as the changes that have become a constant in postmodern Slovenian society, many and complex questions were raised about the lives of older adults on the one hand, the organization of society on the other and the digital literacy and competence of older adults, and especially the country, for the future. Older adults are exposed, more than ever in their lives, to many challenges, problems, stereotypes, and various forms of gerontophobic behavior. However, if older adults have adapted to social changes and the newly created circumstances that have guided their lives in the past without a greater risk, in swollen situation it is different. This is especially true of the COVID-19 epidemic period, which has particularly affected older adults in Slovenian society and has “forced” them into digital literacy training.
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