Literature is also full of stories of great conquerors and victors. But where are the fates of the smallest, most vulnerable children in these stories? The book brings together nine short stories that the author says he has carried with him for a long time. Beautiful, but at the same time some harrowing, even tragic stories about children in various wars and their suffering. The stories are a mosaic of first-person narratives … Told by the author, the omniscient narrator. Despite the difficult subject matter, which brings the reader to tears, the book is not entirely black or pessimistic, but remains human, after all, it is about birth, Christmas, the warm shelter of family, the importance of a mother, a father … This is described in these stories written by life. The author would in fact have preferred to subtitle them “Lest we forget”.
Partljič’s stories are interspersed with moving images of children from Stojan Kerbler’s photographs.
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