Glavna tema knjige The Challenges of social gerontology se spogleduje z najzahtevnešjo in najbolj zapleteno temo postmoderne družbe – s staranjem in njegovimi socialnimi, kulturnimi in zdravstvenimi determinantami. Staranje je postalo izziv postmoderne družbe, tako se je v Sloveniji življenje starejših v zadnjih 20 letih temeljito spremenilo – tako z vidik razumevanja družbe kot na osebnem nivoju.
The subject matter of The Challenges of social gerontology deals with one of the most enduring and complex issues of postmodern society – ageing and its social, cultural and health determinants. As ageing has become one of the most challenging issues of postmodern society, in Slovenia in the past 20 years the life of elderly has undergone a major transformation on several different platforms, from public understanding to individual approaches to getting old.
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