Avtor je opravil analizo sodne prakse Ustavnega sodišča Republike Slovenije o uporabi in razumevanju pojma vladavine prava. Pregledal je odločitve in ločena mnenja, v katerih ustavno sodišče uporablja ta pojem. Vladavino prava obravnava kot pojem s potencialno neomejenim pomenskim obsegom. Ugotovil je vsebino pojma, kot jo zatrjuje sodišče s svojo razlago, in jo povezal z ustavnimi podlagami. Po navdihu Fullerja je oblikoval osem želenih kvalitet slovenskega pravnega reda, kot izhajajo iz ustavnosodne prakse.
Delo je nastalo v okviru raziskovalnega programa Raziskave kulturnih formacij (P6-0278 (A), 2019–2024), ki ga financira Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARIS).
Rule of Law in Slovenian Constitutional Order
The author performed an analysis of the court practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia on the use and understanding of the notion of the rule of law. He reviewed all decisions and separate opinions in which the court utilizes this notion. He treats the rule of law as a notion with a potentially unlimited semantic range. He ascertained the content of the wording, as stated by the court with its interpretation and connected it with constitutional bases. Inspired by Fuller, he formulated the eight desired qualities of the Slovenian legal system as they stem from the constitutional court practice.
The work was created within the framework of the research program Research of Cultural Formations (P6-0278 (A), 2019–2024), funded by Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency ARIS.
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